maandag 18 juni 2012

Mothers and babies

As the centre of gravity changes during pregnancy, so do the stresses on the spine. Many problems suffered during pregnancy may be directly related to the health of the spine. Common pregnancy pains are easily and gently relieved almost immediately with Bowen Therapy and is very relaxing for the expectant mother.

The spine and pelvis of an expectant mother are particularly vulnerable because of the stress of carrying an unborn baby. Hormonal changes make the pelvis suppler during the latter part of pregnancy. This is when the terrible back aches seem to not only intensify, but also appear more frequently as the baby gets heavier. The instability of the pelvis can lead to other strains being felt in the spine and supporting muscles and ligaments.

The process of childbirth puts tremendous stresses and strains on the musculoskeletal system.
Most procedures of Bowen Therapy can be performed on an expectant mother almost up until labour begins. After the mother has given birth. Bowen can be performed with a few hours. It helps to calm the body and aid the body in returning to its natural state, prior to pregnancy. 

The birth is one of the most traumatic processes a child will go through. The child is able to have bowen therapy within a day or so after birth. As it is so gentle, the child is barely aware of being treated. 

Bowen Therapy has proven to work wonderfully with Colic babies, it has helped treat Blue babies and it can help relax hyperactive children.

The Bowen Technique has an infertility programme for those couples trying to conceive who have had other problems ruled out. The success has been phenomenal with trials in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

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