vrijdag 11 mei 2012

Bowen and Respiratory problems

Bowen Therapy is well known and documented for its efficacy in relieving pain and regaining function after sport injuries, computer related injuries, frozen shoulder and back pain – but there is a side of Bowen Therapy that few are aware of – its ability to shift and drain fluid in the body including the sinuses and the respiratory system.
The Bowen Technique is a gentle, light-touch therapy developed by Tom Bowen. Originally intended to help people suffering from muscular-skeletal problems, it has been shown to be very successful with many other conditions as well. It has proved to be very effective, on many occasions, for both adults and children suffering from asthma and other respiratory ailments.
Tom Bowen’s own wife suffered from severe asthma and was often hospitalised so he developed procedures that combat symptoms of congestion and restriction in the respiratory system. The seemingly subtle moves help to eliminate waste from the organs by stimulating innate healing mechanisms in the body. People often leave the sessions breathing more easily and comfortably, with symptoms subsiding within 2 days of the session.
Whatever the level of asthma, or similar respiratory problems, Bowen often seems to reduce the level of attack very quickly, and effectively.
As Bowen is both very gentle and non-invasive, there is no danger in using it with asthma and other respiratory conditions. The many cases treated have shown often to produce results very quickly which last. Often just a very few sessions will change the situation for the sufferer. As with any allergy, the avoidance of contact with the allergen is an essential part of the treatment. However, what Bowen does achieve very often is the release of tightness in the chest which aids both asthmatics and other respiratory sufferers.
The Bowen Asthma Release Move can help relieve attacks by releasing the diaphragm and easing tight chests and wheezing.
I often show clients how to perform this move it’s very easy and helpful when someone is having difficulty breathing or experiencing an asthma attack.

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