donderdag 11 oktober 2012

Available now Equine Bowen Thereapy

For the past 2 years I have been traveling to a little place called Tiaro (about 45 min out of Gympie).
This is where I had to go to learn how to do Bowen on Horses, or also called EMRT, Equine Muscle Release Therapy.
It’s a very rewarding thing to be able to help those four legged friends of ours that work so hard for us.
I have found the horses seem to love the treatment. It would calm them down and afterward some of them followed me around like a puppy that was quite funny.
I like to thank everyone that has allowed me to treat their horses for my case studies, without them I wouldn’t have been able to graduate.

The Bowen works the same on horses as on humans; the Bowen moves give the body the message of how the body can heal itself.
Unlike with some other therapies where the body is manipulated and put into place, the Bowen allows the body to realign itself.
I have people tell me all the time that when they have had some sort of treatment it only last a couple of days and then they are back to what they were before the treatment.
This is because the muscles have muscle memory, this means the muscles go back into the same state as what they were before the treatment, and this might take a couple of days.
Because the Bowen allows the muscles to go back to their correct position the muscle memory is no longer an issue.
Usually people feel better after the treatment, and in most cases it takes a couple of days before they feel the full effects of the treatment, ones the body has realigned itself it is more likely to stay that way, because the body has realigned itself instead of having been manipulated into realignment.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment please ring me.

Martine your Bowen Therapist

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