woensdag 27 juni 2012

Bowen on animals

Bowen Therapy can benefit us in one way or another. However, not only can it help humans, but animals also! Yes, that’s right! You’re furry, animal friends can also benefit from the wonders of Bowen Therapy. So I would like to share with you some of the experiences I have had with treating animals.
When I started my first Bowen course I was at the vets for my own pet dog. While I was there I was looking at the anatomy chart for dogs and took note of their muscle structure. A couple of weeks later, I dropped into a friend’s house had run over his dog with the ute. Since the accident the dog wasn't coping too well in the hind legs. From memory of looking at the anatomy chart at the vets I performed some Bowen moves on the dog. As soon as I had done so she jumped straight up and ran off. According to my friend, he hadn't seen the dog move that quickly for months! So it had obviously done some good and both my friend and I assume the dog were pleased.

Another example of how Bowen Therapy can benefit animals is when I went over to a farmer’s property to treat one of his bulls. The bull walked with a limp and they didn’t know what he had done to himself. The bull was standing there in front of us, all tense and when I did the first two Bowen moves, he let out a deep breath and his whole body just relaxed. It was so funny we had to laugh! After the treatment the bulls step had lengthened by 6 inches! Over the next few days it improved even more and he ended up walking without a limp altogether. He only had the one treatment, but I’m sure if he had follow up treatments he would have improved even more.

Bowen works really well on animals and also baby’s because their minds are open. They don't have worries that can get in the way and block the healing process.
This coming August I finish the 2 year study of becoming an Equine Bowen Therapist.
Better known as EMRT.

As with humans with the equine you also have to do case studies.
Lucky I had some human clients who let me treat their horse and there have been some real good results.
One of the pony’s I treated will be competing in the Brisbane ekka again. They competed with him last year and he was in top form. Afterwards he kept going backwards for some unexplained reason.
After the 1st treatment the owner told me she lounged him and he was moving again like he did in the show last year.
After the 2 follow up treatments he only got better and they are looking forward to competing with him again.
The trainer from Brisbane was very impressed.
So if you think your animal/pet could do with some Bowen, please give me a ring.

Martine you’re therapist

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