dinsdag 14 augustus 2012

Slipped disc

A herniated disc or in layman terms “slipped disc” means that the disc in-between the vertebrae’s bulges out towards the spinal cord.
This causes an acute pain in and around the lower back.
If the disc touches the Sciatic nerve, pain can be felt down the leg through the calf and sometimes into the foot.
We also call this Sciatica.

The herniated disc problem usually happens in the lower back because that part of the vertebral column bears most of the weight of the body and it also does most of the bending and flexing.
There are lots of causes that can create this problem, hard physical work, excessive strain or pressure on the spine, accidents, falls and sometimes it just happens with no particular reason.

The Discs in-between the vertebrae are spongy shock absorbers without the discs the bones would grate and crunch every time you move.
The discs are made up largely of water, it’s kind of like tooth paste.
As your disc begins to loose water it’s like letting air out of a tire and the sides begin to bulge
As we get older the amount of fluid in the discs will diminish slightly, this is why it is so important to drink water.

Bowen Therapy has a lot of success with this condition. Every week I get clients with this condition and they respond very well.
The basic Bowen moves relieve the tension in and around the herniated area, and then we have specialised Bowen moves specifically for this problem.

Please ring me with any questions or to book an appointment, and let’s find out if Bowen therapy can relieve you of your pain.

Martine your Bowen Therapist

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