To be a registered Bowen practitioner I have to do 32 hours
of continued education units (CEU points) every two years. 16 of these I can
obtain by doing special workshops and for the other 16 I have to attend 2 days
of the normal training courses we do to get our cert.IV or diploma.
Last month
there were two workshops I wanted to attend.
The first
one was Energy Vibration and Bowen. This one was given by the two people I got
my cert.IV and diploma with so I was very familiar with my teachers Ann and David Winter. ( )
During a
treatment we work on the fascia system. This is a spider web like net made from
collagen fibers that runs throughout the entire body, separating and binding
together muscles and organs.
(Next time
you have chicken breast for dinner have a look before you cook it, the shiny
thin slippery see through layer on the outside of the meat is the fascia.)
When we do a
Bowen move we release this fascia and it sends a vibration through the body to
the brain. When the brain receives this it then sends a vibration back to the
muscles to relax and go back to the original length and position.
During the
next days after the treatment the body will still respond to the Bowen work and
each day after the treatment the body will re-balance itself a bit more, so each
day we feel a little bit better.
Because the
body itself does all the work it might take a few days and usually the results
are permanent.
If you’re
interested to having a treatment or you happen to have a horse that is sore and
you want to try Bowen on it please give me a call. (I qualified Bowen on horses
last year)
Martine your
Bowen therapist