zondag 5 mei 2013


I had a phone call of this gentleman. He told me he had Parkinson. Trough a friend of his who also suffers Parkinson he got on to this book called; Stop parkin start living, written by John Coleman.

John Coleman also had Parkinson he was in stage 3 (there are only 4 stages). Being a naturopath he kept looking for a way how to treat this condition with natural therapies.
He tried them all, some did help him, but it wasn’t until he tried Bowen therapy in combination with hydration formula’s that he started to get better. Parkinson is a neurological disease and there is no cure for it, but after 4 years of regular Bowen he was symptom free.

My client’s Parkinson condition wasn’t as far developed as John’s and he didn’t want it to get that far neither.
Because his son and his son’s wife are regular clients of mine he rang me and asked if I could help him.
I told him I had no experience with treating Parkinson, but I had heard of the book and because I know how the Bowen works on the central nervous system I booked him in.
It has been such a good experience for both of us.
Over the last 6 months his speech has improved and his posture is way better he barely slumps forward any more. He says he feels a lot more balanced and happier now. He can also walk normal now. As a matter of fact he went for a walk with his wife and she could not keep up with him.
How’s that for improvement.

Martine your Bowen Therapist